
Expanding the market for quality journalism

NOA is the best way to stay informed while on the go. NOA aims to provide people with a range of well-rounded perspectives by making quality journalism easy to consume. We want people to know all sides of the story.

Making quality journalism competitive again

We believe that the insights, the analysis, and the opinions that journalism provides are equally as valuable to today’s society as they were to generations past. The key difference today, however, is that the market for media is far more competitive. NOA makes journalism competitive again by combining convenience with quality storytelling. Now people can listen on-demand – anytime and anywhere.


We had experienced first-hand the difficulty of staying informed. Finding the time to read was a never-ending challenge. Audiobooks addressed the issue in one market, but journalism lacked a similar high-quality audio offering. It seemed clear that there should be a one-stop-shop where some of the world’s best journalism could live over audio and which could scale to global heights. From day one the goal has been to expand the market for quality journalism in a way that benefits all participants – both consumers and publishers. NOA launched in May 2017.


NOA now offers hundreds of high-quality audio articles every week – with the latest stories becoming available from early morning each day. Some of the world’s best news brands are available on NOA today, including The Financial Times, The Irish Times, and The Independent, with more to come very soon.


NOA is 10 people and counting and headquartered in Dublin, Ireland. The company has not received any outside investment and is held by a small group of founding shareholders.